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A Guide to Data Splitting in Machine Learning

What is Data Splitting?

In data science or machine learning, data splitting comes into the picture when the given data is divided into two or more subsets so that a model can get trained, tested and evaluated.

  • If three splits are there will mean there are training, testing and validation sets.

How does Data Splitting work?

While performing supervised machine learning tasks, it is always recommended to split the data into three sets: training set, testing set and validation set. So, In the procedure when it comes to data split, first, we randomly split data into three sets:

  • Validation Set: This set is used to understand the performance of the model in comparison to different models and hyperparameter choices.
  • Test set: This set checks the final model’s accuracy.

Train data

A subset of data is responsible for training the model. Usually machine learning model learns to predict by understanding the patterns and relationships hidden inside the data. The model will learn from the patterns and relationships between weight and pitch variables in our example.

Validation data

When building a machine learning model, we mostly try to train more than one model by changing model parameters or using different algorithms. For example, while building the decision tree model for our data, we did hyperparameter tuning and found that multiple models performed well in such conditions. Therefore, we need to choose a final model using different parameters.

Test Data

As discussed in the above topic, after training, validating and selecting a model, we should take it to production after testing its performance for this extracted subset of data is called the test data.

Final words

In this article, we have discussed data splitting in machine learning using the points’ what is data splitting’, how does it work, and what is train, test and validation set. In summary of the article, we can have the following takeaways:

  • We should divide our whole dataset into three sub-dataset.
  • The quantity of training data should be higher than the other two data. Also, it should be unbiased to any class or category, so that model can adequately learn from the data.
  • We should use the validation set for evaluating multiple models to find the best-performing model.
  • After finding the best-performing model, we use the test set to quantify the model’s performance.

About DSW

Data Science Wizards (DSW) is an Artificial Intelligence and Data Science start-up that primarily offers platforms, solutions, and services for making use of data as a strategy through AI and data analytics solutions and consulting services to help enterprises in data-driven decisions.